I’ve Always Been Impressed With a Girl..

At first glance of this gorgeous woman,Billy Bragg lyrics popped into my brain instantly as I stood in wonder of why she even was speaking to me…my only conclusion
I was the only one in the room being held up by a kitchen counter because even the drink couldn’t give me a clue of how this was happening
She was beautiful with eyes
That could crush you from just brushing a side glance your way
I got to know every inch of her in a short time
The lyrics still stay with me even though they don’t not even really apply to her
That’s the way I am heaven help me

I loved the words you wrote to me
But that was bloody yesterday
I cant survive on what you send
Every time you need a friend

I saw two shooting stars last night
I wished on them but they were only satellites
Is it wrong to wish on space hardware
I wish youd’ care

Billy Bragg

Horseshoes and Handgrenades

Theres little comfort with Billy Bragg ringing through my head caught in the grips of myself
and this city
in which i used to call my home
my love
i know nothing of either it anymore it seems
the winter bully has been kicking my ass on a daily basis on the way home from everywhere
even though my footprints on my own ass would be enough for most
unanswered angry emails finish the recipe mixing it up for a nice strong sorry for yourself cocktail that only an asshole would order
call me that guy then i suppose, taking what comes my way
the wind blows through me red rover with nowhere to go
heart on the sleeve
cheap booze on the breathe
my own shadow shackled to my leg weighing me down
smile packed away in a suitcase somewhere in another country
theres no point in fighting it, even being close doesnt’ count
those rules only apply in horsehoes and handgrenades